AI-Digital Pathology in the context of the the WHO Target Product Profiles 

Peter Ward
22.12.22 10:24 PM Comment(s)

The development of an artificial intelligence-based digital pathology for neglected tropical diseases: A platform specific analysis of the World Health Organization diagnostic target product profile for soil-transmitted helminthiasis

In a recent publication, we conducted a systematic analysis of the World Health Organization's target product profile (TPP) for soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) to inform the development of a user requirement specification (URS) for an AI-DP solution.

The WHO's TPPs outline the minimal and ideal requirements for diagnostic tools in NTD control programs. However, a critical review of these TPPs specific to AI-DP solutions was lacking. Our analysis focused on the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of STH control programs and highlighted the technical considerations necessary to meet the minimal requirements for the TPP.

AI-DP offers significant advantages over current microscopic diagnostic standards, such as improved reproducibility, reduced errors, increased throughput, and automated data capture, analysis, and reporting. By leveraging electronic data capture tools, whole slide imaging (WSI) scanners, AI models, and data reporting systems, AI-DP can transform NTD programs.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The WHO's TPPs for NTDs play a crucial role in guiding diagnostic tool development.
  2. We conducted a systematic analysis of the TPP for STH to inform the development of an AI-DP solution.
  3. AI-DP can overcome the limitations of current microscopic standards and offer enhanced efficiency and accuracy.
  4. The AI-DP workflow involves electronic data capture, WSI scanning, AI analysis, and assisted data interpretation.
  5. Our analysis focused on the M&E of STH control programs, aiming to meet the WHO's 2030 targets.


We believe that our AI-DP platform has the potential to revolutionize diagnostics for NTDs and contribute to achieving the WHO's 2030 targets. By embracing innovative technologies, we are taking a crucial step towards improving healthcare outcomes and eradicating neglected tropical diseases. Stay tuned for updates on our ground breaking AI-DP solution.

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Peter Ward